C:\> cd games
C:\GAMES> cd bored and restless
Boredom and Friends: What Happened Last Night?
Copyright (c) 2007 Lopatka Inc. All rights reserved.

You woke up with a severe headache and a sense of loss. You have lost all of your clothes in the course of the pervious night and you feel as if you are missing something. What is your first choice of action?

>look around.

Nice use of capitalization, kid.

You are in a small room. There appears to be two beds, two lamps, two chairs, and two desks. Several tubs litter the floor space, and an obviously damaged wardrobe slumps in the corner. There is a Compaq computer on one desk. What now, slick?

>Turn on computer.

Using your “amazing” ability to be a lazy burden on society, you try to stretch from your position on the bed (which happens to be sheet-less but you’re to busy getting to the action instead of asking important questions aren’t you?) over to the power button on the computer. Thinking that if you stretch just a little further you might actually make it, you fall unto the floor with a clatter. Effectively making your headache worse, you struggle to stand up and use the bed to lean against. How about doing something smart for once?

>Why didn’t you tell me I was lying down on the bed?

Because you didn’t ask. Now you’re just wasting precious turns on stupid questions.

>What would you do next?

I would stop asking a computer program questions. Do you like being known as lazy and incompetent?

>Look for medicine.

You look for medicine only to come up empty handed for pissing off the game for being rude.

>I’m sorry.

You are forgiven. Try looking in the desks for painkiller.

>Thank you. Look in desks.

You’re welcome. In the first desk you find a various sex toys that resemble mid-evil torture devices or mid-evil torture devices that look like sex toys. Fearing that the toy/torture devices were probably used upon you last night, you slam the desk shut and begin the process of thought repression. In the second desk that sinks a little from the weight of the Compaq, you find all the homework assignments one might need if they were going to be a communications major. Amidst the papers you find the painkillers you were hoping for. What is your next action?

>Take painkillers.

Unable to find the water bottle that was hidden in the wardrobe, you take the painkillers dry. The chalky taste fills your mouth and dries your throat. You start scraping your tongue against your top row of teeth. You only stop the action after you realize that you look like a dog dealing with peanut butter on the roof its mouth. What is your next action, numb nuts?

Please leave suggestions as to what the protagonist will do next. I promise to incorporate every action that you suggest in the order that it was suggested. (The deadline for suggestions is 5:00pm tomorrow. Knock yourselves out.)

Part Two. Part Three

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