Adventures in Retirement
By Lawrence Doyle
Wondering what you'll do with all the free time you’ll have once you retire? Take a hilarious journey into the unknown world of excess time, limited responsibilities, and an uncertain future during a year of retirement prep.
Product Description
Join the author on his journey to prepare for retirement over the course of one year, by reconnecting with the hobbies and interests of his youth, while also finding innovative ways to express his creativity and connect with people. Along the way, you'll discover:
• The scary side of fishing;
• Why it’s wrong when board games become blood sports;
• The unexpected connection between cooking classes and true romance;
• How the author's cat convinced him to take up yoga (and why that was a terrible idea);
• Golfing for the ball challenged;
• The thrill of jumping out of an airplane without risking your life;
• The eternal appeal of Elly May Clampett; and,
• How to do nothing without feeling guilty about it.
About the Author
Lawrence Doyle on Points in Case – Lawrence Doyle is the author of Adventures in Retirement and the mystery A Simple Murder, both available on Amazon.
Reader Reviews
“Wonderful book! Since my husband and I are “of that age”, not only was it a joyful read but also a nice example of perhaps what we should start doing as to prepare for the retirement years. Laugh out loud funny in many places and touching in others, Mr. Doyle has really provided a great set if lessons in how to appreciate the different aspects of one’s life. And I never thought I would be so entertained by the terms “Cipro” and “Hitler Mustache”. Or that I would consider buying a biohazard suit for my next trip to the amusement park.”
-Amazon reader review
“Doyle’s book deviates from the standard question regarding retirement, “Will you have enough money for the rest of your days?” Instead, the author humorously challenges the reader to answer the question, “So what are you going to do with yourself?” And Mr. Doyle proceeds to share with the reader his ruminations regarding retirement time. The book has charm, humor, suggestions and challenges for the lucky reader who happens to be on the brink of the great retirement adventure. I liked it so much I bought six copies to share with friends and colleagues.”
-Amazon reader review
“I read the book purely for fun, but I wasn’t careful and ending up learning a few things, too. Who knew backgammon is that serious a pursuit? There are that many kinds of yoga? I’m not the only one who no longer understands new-fangled slot machines? If a bird poops on you in South America, then hold on to your wallet? This is one of those books I couldn’t put down.”
-Amazon reader review
“Really enjoyed this book. Not only did it answer some of the questions I had about what to do when I retire but I had a good laugh while reading. There were several times I had to stop reading to wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. I would recommend this book to anyone thinking about retiring or already retired. Great read.”
-Amazon reader review
“LOVED this book. It’s a lot of fun for anyone who’s retiring — and anyone who’s not. Doyle has written a funny, engaging, and relevant book about how to expand your life by expanding your outlook and stepping outside (sometimes WAY outside) your comfort zone. His wry, self-deprecating humor and his gameness for anything will make you want to tag along with him, whether he’s deep-sea fishing, learning why bowling is now cool, or sharing some (excellent) travel tips based on what he’s figured out the hard way all over the world. This book is endearing, a fast and hilarious read, and THE gift you want to give any friend who’s embarking on either retirement or a new chapter in his or her life. I read it and began to paint again. See what adventures it inspires for you.”
-Amazon reader review
More Book Details
- Paperback: 214 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition (June 20, 2017)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1546686177
- ISBN-13: 978-1546686170
- Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.5 x 8 inches
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