My Doctor’s Pretty Good, Apart from How Often He Says “Ewwwwwwwww!!”
It was good to hear the inside of my mouth also looked “healthy, but super grody, you know, like mouths are.”
It was good to hear the inside of my mouth also looked “healthy, but super grody, you know, like mouths are.”
I’m not very good with computers, could you clarify what you mean by “you somehow attached your son to your previous email rather than your story”?
Soon, I’ll have to decide which to marry. For now, we do a lot of courtship. One of them might stare at me, and I stare back.
I’m going to call for an exorcist soon, and it just won’t do for her to be in her typical house-wear of leggings and a cozy sweater when he arrives.
She rolls into my office like one of those rotating hot dogs at 7-11. You know the ones, plastic-y but intriguing.
The Gingerbread House from Hansel and Gretel: Start a new magical chapter in your storybook with this enchanted cottage built entirely out of candy!
No, of course not. It's no big deal. This happens to everyone. Right? Everyone has little involuntary muscle spasms sometimes.
Lower back pain that sets in after approximately half an hour of immobility.
Because the romance author who wrote your story didn’t quite know how to end their book.
After running out of per diem, your child will unwisely accept financial help from their Russian pen pal.
So where are you holding the wedding? Is it going to be in the sewers of Chicago?
What would you rather have: frugal parents who saved almost $2 a month, or documented proof that you experienced a childhood?
The achievement of seeing the “You’re all caught up!” message on Instagram. / Actually, make that three mosquitos in the shower.
The one-year anniversary of the day I sold you my couch on Craigslist! Time really does fly, huh?
My schedule should def get more flexible though after the conclusion of the next eight American presidential election cycles.
Brita Love™ can teach you lessons about the heart, but it cannot be that love for you. To think otherwise is a dangerous game.
To be fair, they are really good poems. I don’t want to toot my own horn (a little proctologist humor there), but those poems are inspired.
I offered to go back into the ring and pretend to get knocked out, but it was too late, especially since I had already taken my shoes and socks off.
Minute 4: I cut out all fake friends, they’re leeches.
Me, a sweat-stained, yellowing bed pillow. You, a 42-year-old single man that clearly hasn't lived with a woman since moving out of his mom’s place.
You're eleven, and first thing's first: everybody is going to be super impressed that you, an eleven-year-old, are already reading Hemingway.
Conclave: Based on the summary that my childless friend gave while dropping off a tray of lasagna, I found this story unnecessarily hard to follow.
Buckle in for the getaway of your dreams. A luxurious solo spin in your very own 2009 Honda Civic.
No one warned me about grappling hook elbow after the age of 25--now my physical therapist owns a foreclosed volcano lair thanks to it.
They say in life, there are no winners and losers, yet here we are, living proof of how far from the truth that actually is.
Add “new money” to my Instagram bio. / Start waving the way the Royals do.
After my performance last Saturday, I cannot in good conscience accept this participation ribbon.
The nine-to-five can be a grind, so if I’m not attempting to boost morale by blaring high-pitched ditties at every opportunity, then what use am I?
Our panopticon toilet utilizes ruthless social engineering to give you the most intimate experience with your partner.
I know you're the lone survivor, but that makes it all the more insulting.
And you know what? What if this was the zoo? Would that be so bad? You would still stay here if the price was right.
At what point did you realize the graphic I was drawing bore a loose resemblance to male genitalia? Please complete the following sentence: "After I drew _____."
I’ve been going in there (dark places in my mind) and destroying it (crying)! I take no prisoners (except myself)!
“Compromising Information” refers primarily to the eggnog-induced confessions that occurred around the fire pit on Christmas Eve.
Dear Megatron, I’ve been earning money from my paper route to buy smoke detectors so I can stockpile the radioactive americium.
Master: The unread text sits. Is it full or empty? Student: It is full of potential, yet empty of response.
Canyons, however, are terrible. They’re like backwards mountains, but long. There’s nothing grand about that.
Minimizing: Well, at least saying you’ve “still got it” isn’t vulgar or threatening.
9:05 AM: Speed read The Divine Comedy in peripheral vision while sending text. Arrive. Leave.
In those days, the money and pool snacks seemed to flow as freely as the hose we used to spray down the concrete when some kid dropped his nachos.
See, right there, when A.J. Brown caught that deep ball! Did you feel that? That can’t be healthy.
Not enough soda // A side dish that inexplicably calls for three sticks of cream cheese
But I am not your enemy. I’m part of a much larger cosmic intelligence that knows what’s best for you.
I read a novella, and then I read a novel, and then I wrote a novel, and then I got it published.
Our nuclear plant is verging on meltdown, and the key to stability lies in our vital AWS EC2 instance managed by former employee Ethan Reynolds.
Now I can finally spend my days hoping the night creature I hear stalking through the forest doesn’t take a liking to my warmth.
Did I immediately quit my job since I don’t have the PTO? Sure. But there are no guarantees in this life.
What no one seems to understand is that, as an artist, it’s my duty to pay homage to all the literary titans who have influenced me.
We’ve become one of those vanilla, mass-produced corporate couples we never wanted to be. Our relationship is nothing more than a light-hearted romp.
I think we can all agree that Janet’s character development has been virtually nonexistent since her divorce from Paul.
I matched the microwave, we were like cute twins. During dinner parties, people would say, "Wow, love the matching appliance set."
7:00 AM: Strategize – Inform your boss that you will be working remotely. Why? Get creative.
I AM IN AWE of how you pushed through your lower back pain and chronic prostatitis to get out the giant Rubbermaid containers of Lego.
I’m not like other guys. I’ve embraced my feminine side. Don’t you see my many rings?
I walked on and on, finally reaching the end of the line alongside Route 276 just outside King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
Grab yerself a seat by the fire, take a swig of this here moonshine, and connect with me on LinkedIn.
The children do not eat fruits or vegetables. It’s important that they do not consume any kind of plant, nothing that has been grown of the earth.
I heard you call me a weenie under your breath and that makes it hard for me to focus. Could we all agree to put a moratorium on the word weenie?
I threw out my back yesterday and can’t even move today. I’m going to need to take a sick day. (Translation: My cat is sleeping on my lap)
First up, we’ve got That Email You Sent Your Boss Last Week Regarding Your Upcoming Time Off.
Do you like charades? Well you’ll love it when my college acquaintance puts "Malcolm Gladwell" in the bowl for you to act out.
Your friend could have an annoying voice, or he only talks about his personal issues and you’d rather not listen to that during your hour commute.
Please refrain from kicking the waxwork likeness of Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, between his legs.
Take better care of skin. Already looking like middle-aged 17-year-old
I mean, surely five minutes have already passed since I started this internal monologue. Oh, it’s only been 30 seconds? Well.
The public thinks this job is all colorful vinyl and happy bouncing. They're wrong. Catastrophically wrong.
How come I could tell where everybody was in space? Did you mean for the shots to make me feel things?
Jesus declared, “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, because of this table I built. See that consistent grain?”
Don’t you love it? It’s got a nice high collar, but three-quarters-length sleeves, so it’s not too formal.
My house got robbed and my tree did nothing. In fact, I’m pretty sure it gave the burglars the alarm code.
We settled our feud with the local breeder, and will once again have nine living, breathing reindeer on site as in days of yore.
What time are we getting coffee later? The Arabian Peninsula has always been one of the harshest environments on Earth, and 800 A.D. was no exception.
Please join us in the lobby to celebrate Christmas! We will scrounge up a folding chair or two and everyone will be afraid to sit.
How is it that my morning routine is simultaneously killing me while also helping me barely cling to dear life?
Nadine rips open the presents, revealing these primitive analog relics. But by noon, she’ll have forgotten about all of you.
This snowman wedding racket is a disgrace to the good name of clergymen everywhere.
You submitted some of your favorite pieces that we published this year, including plastic bags, grapes, and an active volcano.
You: Is there a financial component? Boss: Who needs money when you have the love of a decorated lump of minerals?
When was the last time my name came up and someone said, “Oh, you mean the guy who ruled over the greatest period of expansion in the Aztec empire?”
I’m on thin ice with my manager, Trayson, and I can't afford another marinara mishap. Please, my job is on the line here.
I called both my parents to tell them that I loved them, then I drove exactly 5 MPH above the speed limit to work.
Get this: he whispers to me. Secrets mostly, and sometimes the weather. Yeah, most people are really jazzed when I tell them.
1. How long have you been putting this off? a. One year. b. Three years. c. Five years. d. My child is, if we must get technical, a member of Generation X.
Our Best of 2024 articles feature a Furby boyfriend, a leering train conductor, a pugnacious philosopher, a hip and out-of-shape dad, and more!
If you still need more time, we get it. Everyone reads at their own pace, but you must be at least halfway through, right?
I felt a little weird so I went to the bathroom. And—I’m sorry if this is TMI—but I just started fucking bawling man.
Yes, I want to see my friend’s joke about pouring milk in the bowl before cereal, but I also want a bot to direct me to pussy in bio.
After a decade of not giving them a dime for any of their creative output, I just don’t understand why they would call it quits.
Disappointing Truth: Stonehenge is just another case of mass hysteria. In reality, of course, rocks can’t be balanced on top of each other.
Apathy doesn’t gel with our mission of making dogs better-looking with the transformative power of AI.
"Sounds like a nightmare. Tell me all about it."
Text MISS YOU if you're counting down the minutes until you can hold me in your arms.
Now the new books tell me that I am no longer in print and all the Borders are gone.
I learned that another billionaire you all despise was going to gather you for a similar dinner next week—and I one upped him!
It will be a chance to network over a sweet treat with other gladiators who, in a few days, will try to clobber the life out of you.
To medal in the Turkey Trot, you have to defeat seasoned fitness freaks and erratic savages who only run once a year.
We couldn’t have possibly known the janitor would return as a scarred ghoul hellbent on murdering teens. And besides, they’re YOUR dreams!
“When we come back…The Rockettes will perform” (They won’t)
If you think Thanksgiving is a time when we could all come together, you haven’t met my family after I poke and prod.
And I couldn't help but notice the massive collage of wanted photos in front of your fine establishment. I'm here to hunt these bastards down.