>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
January 21, 2004

Dear Nicole,

I think you'd get better mail on this stupid thing if u took off ur clothes and tried again.


Dear IYFD,

You may be right. I've noticed that the quantity of naked girls on the Internet is falling dangerously low. And if I'm not a part of the solution, I'm a part of the problem. Thanks for the tip!




Dear Nicole,

I recently moved away and the guy I've been in love with for a couple years dated my friend from back home for a bit then ended up dissing her. He and I have spoken on the phone often about hooking up when I get back (at the end of this month) and my friend found out about this and she's pissed at me. Go for the guy and forget the girl or be sensitive to her wishes??


Dear Caitlin,

If you think there's a real possibility that you and this guy will get into a serious relationship, then you're not breaking any hard and fast rules if you choose to (sensitively) screw your friend over. However, it sounds like you're just planning on a hookup. Don't lose a friend just because you want some casual sex; it's really not worth it. If she cuts your brake line or puts a piranha in your bed, then you have good reason to end the friendship (unless the piranha has been declawed).




Dear Nicole,

I used to never have problems gettin chicks but lately I've been in a slump, any ideas of how I can jumpstart this dry-spell of mine?


Dear Tim,

Buy a powerful magnet and go after girls wearing lots of jewelry.
