>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
November 26, 2003

Dear Nicole,

I‘m in college, and ok… well.. my luck with guys sucks. There's this guy in one of my classes that I kinda like. I see him a lot and I don't want to say anything that's going to make me look totally stupid to the point where I should be avoiding him with a bag over my head. So how do I get this guy to get a little hint without jumping him? Hmm? It's an idea.


Dear Mae,

Try trimming your head-bag with eyelet lace and faux pearls. It will show your guy that you care enough to add the “little touches”, and it will brighten your day as well.


Dear Nicole,

Does my boyfriend Steve really love me as much as he says? We have been together for a year and a half. The only problem is we fight almost every day.


Dear Marie,

Who cares, as long as he's putting out.


Dear Nicole,

I REALLY REALLY like this girl I know, but I don't know if she likes me or not. I am a very nice person and would treat her better than anything, but my problem is I'm very shy, I see her a lot but I don't have the nerve to even say hello. I know if she got to know me we would be great together, but how do I get over my shyness?


Dear Doug,

Maybe you're not shy, maybe you're just gay.
