>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
December 10, 2003

Dear Nicole,

I hooked up with a girl who's awesome as hell, and I love her. The only problem is she doesn't show her feelings well. How can I find out if she really cares?


Dear Spankie,

Surely she'll break under torture. Otherwise, dig deep into your backyard and finish the job.


Dear Nicole,

My girlfriend wants me to tell her that I love her. I told her that I can't say it yet because she does things like cheat in college and take credit for work she has not done, but she doesn't see it as wrong. Should I try to redefine what I think is right and wrong, or should I follow my conscience and walk away?

Torn in Tampa

Dear Torn,

Sharing common values is extremely important in a healthy relationship. If her principles are that different from yours, maybe she isn't the right girl for you. However, if you're like me and prefer to confront sticky relationship issues with time-tested strategies like denial and avoidance, I recommend handling her Love Question with vague, evasive responses and unintelligible muttering.


Dear Nicole,

I’ve gone out twice with this guy I don’t know very well, and both times he’s asked me a bunch of really personal questions. I really do like him, but I don’t want to tell him all the intimate details of my life when we barely know each other. How can I let him know I really do like him, but he needs to back off a little?


Dear Uncomfortable,

I’ve been having the same issue with my ATM…it used to just get down to business, but now it always asks, “How are you?” And instead of the standard “Yes” and “No” options, it makes me push buttons next to “Sure!” and “No thanks!” And when it asks to smell my dress, that’s just the last straw. My advice is to use check or credit instead. I hope this helps.
