>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
December 31, 2003

Dear Nicole,

There's this guy I liked for about three years, and I still kind of like him. He asked me out online, but I didn't give him an answer because I wasn't sure if he was messing with my head. He kept saying that if he takes me out, he has to get some on the first date. Do you think he just wants to use me?

Princess Ashley

Dear Ashley,

More than likely, yes. Remember, it's your body and you don't have to do anything you don't want to! Just because this guy buys you dinner doesn't mean you owe him any sexual favors. The only exception is if you order something extra for your burger, like guacamole or bacon. Then you pretty much have to do him.


Dear Nicole,

There are three girls who would love to be with me but I can only choose one. After I choose which girl, the other two won't talk to me ever again. One girl is hot as hell but kinda dumb and shallow and not too exciting in bed (but looks incredible naked). The second girl is cute and funny and smart, but she has thankles, and works out a lot to stay in shape, so I can tell that down the road she will put on them pounds. The third girl is not as pretty but she makes me laugh nonstop and has no gag reflex. Which girl should I be with?

Noble One

I think I'm going to be sick. Let's move on.

Dear Nicole,

My girl and I love each other with all our hearts, but her family disapproves of me and my family. They say they'll disown her if she continues seeing me. I don'twant her to lose contact with her family, but then I would hate losing her too. What did I do wrong for her family to hate me so much? Nicole, what should my girl and I do?


Dear Kalvin,

With all the fear and turmoil at home and abroad, many people have found that blind hatred is an excellent emotional outlet. Now that ancient Egypt is free of King Akhenaten's heretical regime, Lenin is safely encased in glass, Saddam is locked up, and Irish lynchings have become unfashionable, the general public, including your girlfriend's family, must seek out new avenues of hatred. Try not to take it personally.
