>>> Ask Nicole
By staff writer Nicole McKaig
May 28, 2004

Dear Nicole,

What is the best way to tell a girl she needs to exercise without coming across as a jackass? I think all guys need some advice in this area.

-Ramon Chacon

Dear Ramon,

Try finding some fun physical activities the two of you can do together. Telling her to work out will probably result in a torrent of tears, leaving you paralyzed in all your uncomprehending guyness, desperately trying to think of the most efficient way to “fix it.” Remember: Although cauterizing her tear ducts may seem like the most efficient solution, it may result in unforeseen negative consequences.



Dear Nicole,

What is going on with you and Court? Are you going to deny your feelings forever? Damnit. Just marry him already!


Dear Kat,

I hear ya…but whenever I bring it up, he challenges me to a race around the world. I told him I don't think I should have to circumnavigate the globe when he hasn't even taken me to dinner, but he says eating is for suckers.


Dear Nicole,

I am a 20 year old male from Iraq and I am constantly made fun of for my heritage. It is very embarrassing. Are there any ways to hide my family roots? Or get back at the people making fun of me?


Dear Bangar,

Unfortunately, many Americans make broad assumptions about Iraqis based on stereotypes and rhetoric. If you really want to conceal your ethnicity, avoid wearing your shoulder-mounted missile launcher to school. I don't advise taking revenge against your bullies, but from what I've observed, Iraqis don’t usually need any help thinking of ways to “get back” at people. In conclusion, remember that not all Americans are narrow-minded bigots.
