Facebook Jokes
Top 10 funny things about Facebook:
- It was invented in 1909 by Arnold Face, but the trend didn't pick up until almost a century later: Face to Facebook
- You can track someone's life without ever having to put up with them: Facebook Pictures: The Height of Voyeurism
- It's the most heterosexual of all the social networking sites: MySpace: Facebook's Gay Cousin
- Friend one random person and next thing you know you've reconnected with your best friend from kindergarten: Six Degrees of Facebook
- Getting a virtual piece of pizza thrown at you by a random person: Facebook Apps: Install at Your Own Risk
- Tricking 15 girls into joining a prostitution ring: The Facebook Group Prank
- A new friend request from a crush calls for a complete profile update: Murphy's Laws of Facebook
- At some point, you'll have to explain that you met your significant other there: Yeah, We Met Online
- They left out a key relationship status: “In a Long Distance Disaster”: The Real Facebook Relationship Status List
- You can mess with people for no reason other than being Republican: Fucking Katherine Harris' Facebook Profile UPPPP, YO