Bouncers Jokes
Top 10 funny things about bouncers:
- Since they're more badass than motorcycle gang members, hell is full of them: Five People You Meet in Hell
- They get lipped more than the geeks used to in high school: Be There or Beware
- The fights they have with drunk college students are epic; think The Incredible Hulk destroying a group of army soldiers: Fake IDs: Close Encounters With the Law
- Despite not being educated a lot when they were younger, they know their math because they judge the “bar-worthy” girls by their cup-size: Olympic Sports That Ought to Exist But Don't
- They have cool nicknames like The Demon, Fruity Pop, New Guy, Dumbass, Retard…: 11 Awesome Things About Being a Bouncer
- Cops are jealous of them because they get force more brutal authority without all the paperwork: 11 Awesome Things about Being a Bouncer
- Even though they probably didn't graduate from high school, they have the power to tear your fake ID into a million little pieces: College-Bound: Great Sexpectations
- Believe it or not, there is such a thing as a midget bouncer: A Drunk's Guide to Bar Hopping
- They don't need a hobby because they already enjoy collecting fake IDs: ID/Apocryopha
- Even if they have a ZZ Top Beard and a skull tattoo, girls will take about a million pictures with them: 11 Awesome Things about Being a Bouncer