Coffee Jokes

Top 10 funny things about coffee:

  1. It can help you pull off an all-nighter in the bedroom and in the library: The Almighty All-Nighter
  2. Some people don't know it, but it's a great hangover cure: Hangover Cures: The Ultimate Experiment
  3. If you can't work a coffee machine then you're guaranteed to burn your hand: Post-College Life and Workisms
  4. It created Starbucks, a simple place where magical things happen: I Know You're Falling for Me in This Starbucks
  5. Coffee lids are extremely breakable and always confusing to figure out at first: Starbucks' Big Invention: The Splash Stick
  6. College professors drink it more than college students do: Generic All-Purpose College Study Guide
  7. Getting some is now the official way to ask someone out: Every College Bowl Game Known to Man and the Women Who Love Them
  8. Even if you don't drink it, working at a coffee shop is one of the coolest and easiest jobs in the world: Congratulations on College Graduation…You Idiots
  9. Even though it tastes like death sometimes, it can help you get through your day: Putting a Face with a Country
  10. It's a name for a table that isn't really used for the drink anymore: The Off-Campus College House: Episode 2