Who said, “I can’t get over it”?
(Please circle all correct answers)
- A man whose wife just threw him a surprise birthday party
- George Washington before someone found him a boat
- Any mother or father the day their first child was born
- An equestrian jumper with a lame horse
- Evel Knievel
- A woman whose boyfriend just proposed to her on the football stadium’s Jumbotron
- A really bad hurdler
- Moses without a staff
- One of Hannibal’s elephants
- Matthew Webb, August 12, 1875
- Someone with a bad cold
- A student with a 3.99 GPA
- A tired soldier looking at hills, dales, and dusty trails
- Sisyphus
- Lewis and Clark, facing the Rocky Mountains in winter
- Judy Garland and the rainbow
- Edward Smith, Captain of the Titanic
- Christopher Columbus before being sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella
- George Donner and the Sierras
- My wife when I vacuumed the house without being asked
- Icarus
- An acrophobic pole vaulter
- Jack-Be-Nimble with third-degree burns
- Peter Rabbit explaining why he went under Mr. McGregor’s garden gate
- A very old Clark Kent looking at a tall building
- The Little Engine That Couldn’t