Let's try this one more time.

When I go up for Open Mic, it's usually around midnight. As a newcomer, I'm always at the bottom of the list, one that stretches well beyond a normal person's cringe limits before it even reaches me. By the time I'm up, the place has mostly cleared out save about 15 people… ten of which are other comics.

It's brutal, it's heart-breaking, and it's insane. But I love it.

So laugh… even if it's at me.

The Set: After sifting through material, I found nothing I really liked, so I ended up just writing a few one liner-y puns off the top of my head. It's surprisingly refreshing to toss out a few quick word jokes. Afterwards, I realized that while fun for me, audiences don't really appreciate puns. Too gaggy and Now-and-Later-ish I suppose. I mean i can't even think of a single professional comedian who uses puns except as a garnish for meatier material.

You live, you learn.

Fave Joke: The Man-Laws bit is one I'd like to extend on. I'm a bit fascinated with masculinity and how random its standards are. I like twisting it on its head with random silliness such as the law I mentioned.

Worst Joke: I don't know who I'm kidding I love all those jokes… okay the “c'mon you know that wasn't” was delivered pretty bad.