The internet is weird. Since I started tapping my keys for PIC almost five months ago, I have received emails from high school friends who found me through the site, emails of a complimentary nature from both women and men, and emails of a negative nature (death threats, people who took me seriously and wanted to let me know how wrong my social perspective is, and computer viruses). Oh and pictures of breasts (thanks, by the way). I have even had a few phone conversations with some of these readers (one of them even stood in line for over two hours to get me an autographed copy of a book I really wanted, then mailed said book to me—and yes, I owe her my first born) and I must say that it absolutely delights me that people read me. (Side note: I can’t remember the last time I actually felt delighted. Stop and ask yourself how often you feel delighted. It’s not often. Anyway, back to the business at hand).

Here are some highlights from some of the emails I have received.

“Are there any other forms of sodomy that you enjoy enough to write about?”
—S Diddy

“Just wanted to let you know that my boyfriend is a regular reader of your articles. He didn’t tell me that, I just know because he sometimes cuts and pastes some of your lines, (particularly things that women should know) and sends them to me. And later I found out that the lines are from your articles. Anyway, I love your articles too, been reading them regularly. I love your sarcastic tone. Cheers.”
KL, Malaysia.

“If your trying to be a comedian or taking some kind of journalism; don't give up your day job at McDonalds.”

“Hello Nathan DeGraaf, My 8 yr. old son and I were looking at football stuff tonight and I stumbled across you. I am the former Mrs. Nathan DeGraaf. Of course to a different Nathan DeGraaf. Not a very common name. I am surprised as %^$$&* that there is another one out there. Well, If you want to know anything else I will answer. So So So strange, that I just had to tell you about it.”

“So I'm sitting here in Baghdad, Iraq, surfing the internet b/c my work is complete for the day, and I think, ‘I'd bet that if I google Nate DeGraaf, I'll find him on the first page, and it'll be something off the wall.’ … and now I write.”
—Greg (former high school classmate)

So there you go. There are lots of other ones too, but I’m not posting any of the death threats, breasts, or viruses. I just want to say, feel free to keep them coming people. Whether positive or negative, your emails de freaking light me.

And that ain’t a common feeling.