Me: Good night, Amanda. It was a pleasure meeting you.
Amanda: I love you to death.
Me: I know she’s drunk, but that was nice.

Court: You see, it may be a living room, but I like to think of it as a chat room.
Me: Dude, with the puns…
Court: What, you don’t like puns?
Me: No one likes puns.
Mikey: I like them. They’re punny.
Me: Jesus…

Court: So if Amanda and I break up, what should I do with the present I bought her?
Me: You could have a PIC contest: “Submit your best breakup quotes and win my ex-girlfriend’s Christmas gift.”
Court: That’s an idea.

Me: We were in a restaurant with over twenty pre-teen cheerleaders in uniform and we didn’t make one R. Kelly joke.
Court: We’re slipping.

Mikey: I don’t have any money. It sucks.
Me: You’re not supposed to have money. You’re a student. If you had money, well I’d probably hate you a little.

Me: I can’t believe they kicked me out of that bar.
Court: I can, actually.

Nene: So, you hanging out here all day?
Me: Until my editor wakes up.
Nene: Well, it’s one thirty in the afternoon.
Me: Yeah, I still got some time.

Me: So how many hours do you work in a week? Like ten?
Court: Dude, I’m telling you, I work.
Me: Yeah, whatever.

Court: You put ice in your milk?
Me: Yeah.
Court: You put ice in your milk?
Me: Yeah, I’m Dutch. We like our dairy cold.
Court: Okay.

Me: I made it here in six hours. I’m very proud of that.
Jaime: Yeah, well I could care less.
Me: It's good to be home.