Me: I think I'm becoming kind of a geek.
Erin: Well, I mean you do blog.
Me: What are you trying to say?

Me: You think I'm becoming a geek?
Emily: Well, yeah. I mean, you work in an office and you write on the internet. You're not the wild asshole you used to be.
Me: But that's a good thing, right?
Emily: You see, only a geek would ask that question.

Aaron: What's that?
Me: A digital camera.
Aaron: What are you doing with it?
Me: I'm fucking using it to save the whales. What the fuck do you think? I'm taking pictures.
Aaron: You hate pictures.
Me: A man can change.
Aaron: Yeah, but you never do.

Me: So, I saved like a whole bunch on my insurance and I got more coverage. That's awesome, huh?
Russ: I mean, I'm happy for you, but I reserve the word “awesome” for things that are actually, you know, at least somewhat interesting.
Me: Fuck you.

Me: You think I'm becoming a geek?
Mike: No, dude. You've always been smart.
Me: Yeah, but I think I'm becoming a geek.
Mike: Dude, you went to college on academic scholarship. You've always been a geek. The only thing that's changed is the hours you're awake.

Babyface: Damn, what are you doing out? Ain't the street lights on?
Me: Fuck you.
Babyface: Seriously, Nate. It's a school night. You better get your rest or you'll be all cranky tomorrow.
Me: Like I said, fuck you.
Babyface: See, you're already getting testy.

Me: You think I'm becoming a geek?
Babyface: Yeah.
Me: Man, that sucks.
Babyface: It's better to be a geek with health insurance than some cool cat in jail though, you know?
Me: So, you think it's a good thing that I'm becoming a geek?
Babyface: I think it's a good thing that I ain't had to bail you out of jail in years.

Me: You think I'm becoming a geek?
Jaime: Well, you don't play role-playing games, you're confident and fun to be around, so no.
Me: Cool. You know, we should hang out more often.
Jaime: Calm down, Nate. I don't date geeks.
Me: Nice work.
Jaime: You liked that one didn't you?
Me: Bitch.
Jaime: Geek.
