My buddy Brickmaster just called me up to talk a little about Ron Paul. Unfortunately, I had to cut him short because I am at work and my boss doesn't pay me to sit around and bullshit with old friends about politics. Which is a shame of mediocre proportions if ever there was one.

And make no mistake, there was one.

Here are some of Brick's quotes regarding Ron Paul.

“So really, the only way Paul has a chance to win this thing is if every weird, nose-ring sporting, heavy-drinking weirdo out there become republicans and vote in the primaries. I'm thinking I might just become a republican for this. I mean, democrats and republicans are all the same anyway. Plus, it would make me look like a more reputable citizen. I could be all like, hey officer, you leave me the hell alone. I'm a taxpayer and a republican.”

At that point, I had to remind Brick that he is not a taxpayer. He then reminded me that sales tax is indeed a tax. Touche', Brick. Touche'.

Here's Brick on why Ron Paul is not allowed at the Iowa debates, tomorrow.

“It's like anything else in this country? you know? It's like, ‘wait a minute, you guys like this? Too bad. We won't let you have it.'”

And, a parting shot from Brick, as regards why anyone would vote for someone other than Ron Paul.

“A hundred years ago, ideas like excessive taxation, federal control of our education, fiat-money-based economies, forced police states and anti-privacy laws were seen by the public as insane and vulgar. Nowadays, we have MTV and Paris Hilton and we've all been taught that thinking is bad, and we should vote for the dude with the nicest hair. People are idiots. That's why Paul won't win.”

In Iowa tomorrow, a debate allegedly sponsored by Iowans for Tax Relief will go on without the only candidate who NEVER ONCE voted for any kind of tax hike. This, naturally, is because the current Corporate Government is a bunch of big, fat doody heads, and as such, there is no way they could handle Ron Paul's unique brand of truth.

Ron Paul is just too core for the current regime.

And so to the current regime and to Iowans for Tax Relief, to borrow a phrase from Larry Ferlinghetti, I proudly raise my middle finger in the only proper salute.

Lying bitches.
