Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
aaaaaaaaaa–Benjamin Franklin

If you are too dumb to understand that the Federal Reserve System is actually the cause of inflation and one of the primary reasons why your financial future is unstable and insecure, then you do not deserve Ron Paul for president.

If you are too stupid to understand that no government should be in charge of policing the world, for the very practice of policing another country is only misnomered tyranny, then you do not deserve Ron Paul for president.

If you honestly believe that terrorists hate our freedom, then you do not deserve Ron Paul for president.

If you think that the president should be allowed to take his citizens to war anywhere in the world, whenever he wants and for whatever reason, then you do not deserve Ron Paul for president.

If you honestly believe that the Republican Party has reduced government, then you do not deserve Ron Paul for president.

If you want continued inflation, Ron Paul is not your man.

If you're a fan of an organized world government, Ron Paul won't be a good president for you.

If you believe in war, misrepresentation, tyranny, taxation and the loss of your personal freedoms, Ron Paul is not the guy you want to vote for.

If you believe that our forefathers stole this country from the British just so it could be stolen right back by the interests of the wealthy and influential, then you shouldn't even consider voting for Ron Paul for president.

Ron Paul cares about your freedom. Even if you don't.

(By the way, Ron Paul is scheduled to make an appearance on the Daily Show on June 4th?that's Monday.)
