Ron Paul will never win the election because he'll never get any media coverage. He has vowed to end corporatism and corporatism makes big media work. I hate to break it to you, because you seem like a good guy, but you bet on the wrong dog in this race.
Aaaaaaaa?From an email I received.

I didn't credit who wrote the above quote because he/she didn't give me permission to use their name. Nevertheless, I feel this is an interesting point that needs to be addressed. Before I address said point, however, allow me to reiterate: I understand that Ron Paul will not get nominated for President; I just think he should be, and that's why he's my Friday topic.

Now, on to the point at hand.

I find it amazing that almost seventy percent of Americans have said that they are against the Iraq War and yet the mainstream media provides no coverage of the one candidate who never voted for the war in the first place. It seems like because Paul is both honest and anti-war, that he would be the kind of character the media could get behind. I mean, that kind of stance should garner media attention from the alleged “liberal” media. Not very liberal of them to keep paying all their attention to known warmongers if you ask me. Of course, no one asks me anything. I'm an internet writer.

Ron Paul is also against corporatism, which is why Halliburton got all those government contracts. I wouldn't know about this if the liberal media hadn't told me. Of course, reporting about corporatism never actually stops corporatism so I guess they could report about it every day and the contracts would keep rolling in. Nevertheless, you would think the media would report on the one candidate who wants to stop what they seemed so vehemently against years ago. Shows what I know about the media.

Ron Paul is also against corruption and is the only Congressman in the last one hundred years to actually return money from his budget to his bosses. The media, with all their Enron this and Scooter Libby that, would be, I would think, against corruption. Of course, I don't get paid to think so what do I know?

In addition to being above corporatism, corruption and interventionist war, Ron Paul also wants to stop inflation and taxes. Just about everyone agrees with this, so naturally, the media doesn't write about it. Why write about a candidate the majority of Americans agree with? It's just anticlimactic. No real story there. What would the headline read? “Ron Paul wants you to be Worth More”? That just doesn't have the kind of zing that “Seventy Dead in Iraq” does.

You know, now that I've written all this, I can see why mainstream media doesn't want to cover Ron Paul. He's against everything they stand for. Corporatism, taxation, war and corruption are the cornerstones of good reporting, the bread and butter of America and the foundation of the American dream. If this country actually had a leader that looked out for its citizens and respected the rest of the world's populous, I mean what would the reporters do all day? Write about blowjobs? Not happening.

Oh well, at least I can take pride in the fact that I've never brought a kid into this cesspool we call a country.

At least, that I know of.

Oh and happy birthday to President Bush, or as my buddy Steve calls him, the cokehead who made good.
