Connor: Nate, right?
Me: Yeah. How'd you know my name?
Connor: Oh, I seen you in here. I pick up things like that. You know, like how you used to fuck my wife.
Me: Dude, I don't know what you're talking about.
Connor: It's cool man. You never said a word about it. She told me after we got back together.
Me: I don't know your wife, man. Don't know what you're talking about.
Connor: Calm down, dude. I ain't about to kick your ass.
Me: Why not?
Connor: You see, that was a stupid thing to say right there.

Me: I'm just saying, if you think I fucked your wife, then why bring it up if you ain't gonna kick my ass?
Connor: Honestly?
Me: Yeah, honestly.
Connor: We were separated. She's a whore. I love her to death. And I want to play you in pool.
Me: Did I walk into an episode of The Twilight Zone or something?
Connor: No, Nate. That show's been off the air for years.

Connor: Rack 'em up. I get the break.
Me: You don't want to lag for it?
Connor: Fuck dude, you already banged my wife. Now you want the break?
Me: I didn't fuck your?
Connor: Just rack 'em.

Connor: Nice game.
Me: Thanks.
Connor: Your turn to break.
Me: Thanks.
Connor: You're nervous as hell ain't you?
Me: How can you tell?
Connor: You keep looking at the door. It ain't gonna come to you, Nate.
Me: I keep thinking you want to kill me.
Connor: I do.
Me: I think I just shit myself.

Me: Four ball, corner.
Connor: You see, just 'cause I want to kill you, and just 'cause I hate you, doesn't mean I'm gonna kill you.
Me: What, you paid someone else to do it?
Connor: You need to develop a more positive outlook on life.
Me: Six ball.
Connor: Nice shot.
Me: Thanks. Three ball.
Connor: My wife told me you can go forever.
Me: Fuck.
Connor: Nice miss.
Me: Fuck you.
Connor: No thanks. You already got my wife.

Me: I gotta go.
Connor: You beat me three in a row on my table and you want to leave?
Me: I have to get home and do some writing.
Connor: You in college?
Me: If it gets me out of here, I am.

Connor: Not for nothing, but you weren't the only one to fuck her when we were separated.
Me: [silence].
Connor: But you were the only one of those guys to be beat me in eight ball.
Me: I don't know what you're talking about.
Connor: I've met four of them now. They were all less nervous than you. But I sill beat them with the cue.
Me: Connor, seriously I don't know what the hell you're?
Connor: I just want you to know, from now on, when we see each other here, that I know.
Me: Dude, but I didn't?
Connor: She's gained thirty pounds since I took her back.
Me: No shit?
Connor: Don't ever get married, Nate.
Me: Good games, hoss.
Connor: Nice meeting you.
