From the last republican presidential debate that I didn't see because I drink too much:

Mike Huckabee: Whether or not we should have gone to Iraq is a discussion the historians can have, but we're there. We bought it because we broke it. We've got a responsibility to the honor of this country and to the honor of every man and woman who has served in Iraq and ever served in our military to not leave them with anything less than the honor that they deserve.

Ron Paul: When we make a mistake, it is the obligation of the people, through their representatives, to correct the mistake, not to continue the mistake.

Which one of these two statements makes the most sense to you? Myself, I'm going with His Coreness. Never have I heard of a mistake that needed to be propagated because it was made. It is that kind of logic that keeps people in bad marriages, unproductive careers and drug addictions.

Welp, I made a mistake and got addicted to crack. I guess I have a responsibility to the fine men and women dealing these drugs to me to stay addicted.

Welp, I made a mistake and started beating up black people. I guess I owe it to the fine people of the KKK to keep beating up black people for the rest of my life.

Welp, I made a mistake and started randomly shooting people in the streets of New York. I guess I owe it to the honor of every serial killer before me to keep this up until there's no one left to kill.

Welp, I accidentally fell into this pool of sharks. I guess I owe it to the fine people here at the zoo to get my leg eaten off.

Stop me now or I'll do this forever.

The idea that we should stay at war because we're in a war is quite possibly the dumbest excuse for logic that I have ever seen. I may not be all that bright. And I'm too busy working and drinking and living and loving to pay close attention to anything for any reason, but I'm almost positive that the idea of continuing to do something stupid just because you started doing something stupid a while ago is, well, stupid.

Of course, what the hell do I know? I'm just another man walking around the planet with petroleum jelly on his balls.
