The largest percentage of Ron Paul supporters is not of the minority group, nor is it of the majority (read: white) group, nor is it of the 18-24 age demographic, nor is it of the number of fine people who click on the internet every day. No, the largest percentage of any group supporting Ron Paul is in the military.

More than fifty percent of our current active military personnel want Ron Paul to be president of the United States.

Now, I know that a lot of people like to call His Coreness Ron Paul a fringe candidate. These people like to think that a vote for Ron Paul is a vote thrown away, that his foolish love of the constitution and his belief in actual freedom is quaint and outdated. These people understand that the constitution is stupid. And furthermore, that people like George W. Bush and Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton and all the representatives in congress all know more and have more foresight than the founding fathers of this country.

Well, those brave young men and women shooting brown people for our freedom tend to disagree. In fact, the majority of them would like to see Ron Paul be president. Perhaps they understand that if Paul (a former military officer) were in charge, the US would only go to war against those who attacked us and maybe we wouldn't waste valuable resources and actual human beings setting up a puppet government in the name of Osama Bin Laden, er oil, I mean WMDs, er wait a minute, to kill Saddam Hussein? no, I meant in the name of freedom. Yeah, that's why we sent troops to Iraq, to free the Iraqi people. I remember that as the most recent explanation. So we'll go with that one.

Anyway, I'm all for supporting our troops. As some of you may remember, my brother Jay fought in Afghanistan before being discharged from the Army a couple of years ago for not re-upping.

But just how do we support our troops? I mean, I guess we could send them porno mags, or give money to their spouses or maybe even make sure that their hot daughters have places to stay at night, but I don't think that will really help anybody in the long run (though my penis vehemently disagrees?it's stubborn like that). In the long run, I think the best thing we can do is provide our troops with the best leader for them.

Who incidentally is the best leader for us.

Who incidentally, is totally core.

So support our troops, fine people of the internet, by voting for the man who will make bringing them home his first order of business and using them only to protect our liberties his second order of business. With Paul there will be no third order of business for the Military.

I know it's scary to think about voting for a man who will make sure that we are totally free because freedom means personal responsibility and all that (and it is much easier just to stick our heads in the sand and our asses in the air and let the current government lube up our collective anal cavities for another term), but I think it'd be even scarier to be over in Iraq in the middle of this shit pile of a political problem.

So, if you won't vote for Paul because of freedom, and if you won't vote for Paul because of common sense, and if you won't vote for Paul because he is core to the motherhumping floor, then you should vote for him because our troops will.

And only a real piece of shit doesn't support our troops.

(Pack up the luggage, kids. We're going on a guilt trip.)
