The first draft of my book hasn't been out for 24 hours now and already the feedback is excellent. In fact, when you consider the number of professionals and concerned parties that are now on board for this project as a result of the 1.0 gimmick, there's probably no reason to even purchase 1.0, but if you want to, go ahead. It's your life. But, as has already been pointed out to me, there are somewhere between ten and one thousand typos in The Snippets and the Impure Tour 1.0, so I'd wait for 2.0, unless you're just really interested in seeing how the proverbial sausage is made.

More good news as per the book: Fearless Editor Court Sullivan has gotten off his motherhumping hump and promised the foreword by the end of the month. He's even promised that it'll be funny, though most likely at the expense of me.

Even more good news: It turns out that the cover art for the book can be in color, so look for one wicked piece of art to grace my work when all is said and done. Artist and good friend Shane Simmons is confident he can get this done but has not given me an estimated time of arrival yet. But that's only because he hasn't returned my calls or emails from yesterday. I think it might have something to do with his having a life.

Two PIC writers have already graciously agreed to help me with the many mistakes in the upcoming book. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but they're David Nelson and E. Mike Tuckerson. Shit.

Once again I would just like to say to anyone that downloads or purchases version 1.0: all comments corrections and reviews are welcome. The publishing industry gave me the finger on this one, so your help is crucial in creating an awesome product.

And I really like your new haircut. It's sweet.