“The worst dreams are the forgotten ones. But why is that? Is it because you can't really have a shitty dream? Do we honestly think dreams tell us stuff about our lives?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I guess we do.”

“Well then, it's good we solved that one.”

“Yeah, I know. What's next?”

“You idiot. We didn't solve one damn thing.”

“Sure we did. We honestly believe our dreams mean something. Probably like the same way our own farts don't smell as bad as other people's farts, but you know, in a totally cerebral way.”

“Do you honestly think in fucking metaphors and analogies?”

“No man. I do that thing. Where like, you know the answer and then you figure out why.”

“Inductive reasoning?”

“Whatever man. I mean, it's simple. It's like, we all enjoy our dreams. That's proof that we think they mean something, that they're important to us. Combine that with the fact that each dream is individual to each person, and most humans love themselves the most… I mean, it's kind of one plus one equals two.”

“Have you ever even taken a philosophy class?”


“How'd you do?”

“The professor put a 91% on every paper and test I handed in.”

“That's just weird.”

“I know, right.”

“You're a strange man, Nate.”

“Yeah, well at least me and my dreams are still tight.”
