If you really want to understand my friends…here's a facebook note I sent out today…

It'll give you an idea about how things roll in our group.

Pajama Jammy Orgy

It was Saturday, October 14th, in the year of our Lord two thousand six. Some may have experienced it like they do every day: with sheer boredom and a lack of fraternity; yet, after all, there really is no reason for it to be anything special for those people, because they aren’t part of our group.

-For you see, my dear friends, we know that this day was the day that Brian and Emily and Liz made out. During the whole process, Emily kept yelling, “I DON’T SHARE!” and Liz kept saying, “C’mon baby, C’mon baby. C’mon.”
Which now begs the question, did Emily share with her sister as a child?

-It was this same day that Phil told Brian, “You look like a beautiful statue.” Which now begs the question, when will Brian return the favor?

-It was the day that the Writer’s Block was invented by Antonio (151, Jack, coke and a lime). Which now begs the question, if alcohol is a means of writer's block, how am I ever going to write again?

-The day that a coffee table was used as a dance platform by everybody, but especially well by Josh and his fucking bearclaw slippers.Which now begs the question, do slippers magically give Josh rhythm?

-The day Michelle burned somebody!!! Which now begs the question, will Phil ever get enough money to prove her wrong?

-It was the day that Shaun and I drew cartoons of everybody in the group on paper plates, then stuck them to his trailer’s wall.Which now begs the question, who is going to get pissed about their cartoon representation?

-The day that Liz kissed Phil for a slice of pizza. Which now begs the question, does Liz want Phil’s big sausage pizza?

-The day I nearly snorted sugar off of a cardboard pizza box. Which now begs the question, do I have diabetes?

-The day that bets were placed on if Emily could take Phil in an arm wrestling competition.Which now begs the question, who would really win?!

-The day that everybody agreed she could.

-The day that Mccoy had a shadow and Kelsey had to say something to her. Which now begs the question, are we ever going to see her again?!

-It was the day Matt was… well…everybody knows what Matt was doing.

-The same with Sam.

– The day I said “Somewhere, a phone is ringing” to a random girl. She replied, “But God’s not there to pick it up.” Which now begs the question, is God really even there?!

-It was the day I was impressed by an answer from a random girl.

-The day, my good, dear friends, that the Holy Trinity was again formed! Which now begs the question, CAN YOU EVER BRING US DOWN, BITCHES?!

Now, if you’ve read this and felt as though I slighted you, please feel free to add to what you remember last night in the comments. I did leave around 12:30, so I'm sure funnier shit did go down…heh.

Just remember that I find you all to be hedonistic alcoholic bastards.

And that's why I love you.

Oh and P.S.-I found my shirt. It was on the sidewalk.

Quote of the night:

Shaun: You ever notice how girls make any theme party into a whore party?
McCoy: Yeah man.
Shaun: I wonder what would happen if I had a whore-themed party
Me: Bitches would implode.

Quote of the day (On driving into another state to buy beer, a pokey ass little town)

Me: Excuse me sir, we're not from Point Marion, but we're trying to find Yuengling…could you tell us where to find some
*Guy tells me where to find some”
Me: Thanks
Guy: Here, you can drink this on the way (hands Shaun a beer)
Shaun: sweet!!!!!


McCoy: Wouldn't it be funny if we were like “Well we shouldn't drink and drive” and that guy said “SHIT! I'M THE SHERRIFF OF THIS HERE TOWN!”

