Gold is the lifeblood of Azeroth and World of Warcraft as a whole. Gearing up for a raid, crafting equipment, or simply keeping your mounts fed, will all require gold. Gold is also pivotal in the player-driven economy of the World of Warcraft.

But to get to that point first you will need to have gold to begin with. To that extent, the following guide will introduce you to the basics of World of Warcraft gold farming. And also explains the many different systems and activities players can use to do so. So without any further delays let us begin with this wow gold guide.

Also if you want to skip the whole process and just buy WoW gold. You can use reputable and respected sites like WowVendor.

The Role of Gold in the WoW Player-Driven Economy

WoW is unique amongst other MMORPGs not only for being the first major one. But also for having one of the most unique player economies where the players are in control. This means that supply and demand trends are completely natural and at the whim of the players.

Supporting this whole economy is gold in World of Warcraft. Which is a resource that unlike other games is not locked behind a paywall. It just requires countless hours of grinding, a little bit of your sanity, and a whole lot of waiting. That is if you aren’t using optimized strategies, or are simply rich enough to buy it.

But hey where is the fun in the latter one? As for the former, the following are the most efficient gold farming strategies.

Efficient Gold Farming Strategies

Gathering professions

To start we have the most beginner-friendly strategy there is Gathering. And by gathering I mean the professions of Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. Together these three make the cornerstone of the economy. Because it is via these three professions many essential crafting resources are gathered. Resources that can then be sold off to make massive profits.

But it will require some planning and investigation on your end. To first figure out the most in-demand products and then check their market value. You will have to be quick about it as demand changes daily due to the nature of the economy.

You also can try online forms and the in-game auction house. To find the price differences to take advantage of. Also, remember items from event quests always sell for more so do keep that in mind.

Crafting professions

Now while the previous strategy was a solid one. Many older players want something with a bit more meat to it. For them, we have professions such as Alchemy, Blacksmithing, and Enchanting. Professions that offer far more lucrative opportunities, at the cost of time investment. On the flip side, it is the fastest way to get to the World of Warcraft gold cap.

High-demand consumables like potions and flasks are always needed, especially during large raids. Crafted gear and enchantments are also an integral part of character progression. Raising the value of well-crafted equipment that much more. For anyone using this strategy. I would recommend keeping an eye on the market to scale production as per demand.

Daily quests and dungeon runs

Now moving away from the professions for a bit. We have one of the most consistent and reliable strategies out there Daily Quests. Now at a glance, it might seem pointless at first. But players tend to forget that they require minimal effort. While also not requiring any previous research or market manipulation like the previous ones. Daily Quests also offer a whole host of other rewards such as reputation gains and valuable items.

Alongside them, Dungeon Runs especially older ones can also be a lucrative source of gold. Many can also be completed solo if you have the right build. Older raids would also have been an option if the price of their loot hadn’t been nerfed. But alas if you use these two strategies in tandem with each other. You will have a steady source of gold.

Item farming

Lastly, we have probably the most MMO strategy of all, Item Farming. And by items, I mean rare items or exclusive mounts. Which have a drop rate of a few percent and require a laundry list of prerequisites to be met beforehand. But all of that is worth it when you realize their ludicrous market value. Certain hard-to-get items are also worth looking into. Take the Classic World of Warcraft golden pearl for example!

Crafting materials especially those linked with limited-timed events are also a great source for gold. So be sure to keep your eyes on the latest patch notes and event announcements. Auction house flipping of said materials is also a solid option. But it requires a great deal of time investment, research, and luck to be profitable.


I hope this World of Warcraft gold guide was of use to you. As for some last parting advice. Always remember that WoW gold farming is not only an art but also a science. Because if you flood the market with an item with high demand the market will course correct. Leading to all your hard work being for naught.

Lastly don’t forget despite the massive economy and time investment. At the end of the day, it is still a game. And having fun is your top priority above all else.