If you've clicked on this article, chances are you’re under 30 and looking to put your bucket list together.

Or maybe you're over 30 and looking for new activities. After all, age is a state of mind and it’s never too late to do new and fun activities.

Either way, this article is for you. From playing at a famous casino to booking a massage at a nice spa, you’ll find inspirational ideas for everyone.

What is a Bucket List and Why Is It Useful?

Having a bucket list is a great way to keep track of what you want to accomplish and do before you turn a certain age.

A lot of people find it useful to write down what they want to do on a physical bucket list. It helps them identify what they really want, visualize it and be reminded of it.

The bucket list then becomes a nice guide that you can go back to for inspiration!

It's a great way of organizing your ideas and helping you put together a plan of action to make your dreams come true.

Your bucket list could be digital or written out on paper. You can write your digital bucket list on a classic Word document, on your phone’s notes app or on a special bucket list app.

If you go the digital route, we recommend saving your list and making sure it’s backed up, so you don't lose it.

A lot of people prefer to write their bucket list down on paper in a journal or notebook.

When putting your bucket list together, ask yourself:

  • What do I want to accomplish or do before I reach 30?
  • Why do I want to accomplish that?
  • How do I accomplish that? What do I need to start doing today to reach this goal by the age of 30?

Now you’re ready to build your bucket list. Feel free to draw from our very own list of ideas down below.

Here are some ideas of fun activities to do before you turn 30.

  • Play at a famous casino like James Bond

Why not experience the James Bond lifestyle by playing at a famous casino?

One of the most famous casinos in the world is the Casino de Monte-Carlo in Monaco. It was also used as a filming location for several James Bond films.

If you can’t afford to travel to Europe just yet, you can start by playing online casino games.

  • Book a massage and treat yourself to a spa day

Your 20s are for you. They’re for you to discover, learn to love and appreciate who you are.

Why not celebrate your 20s and your journey of self-acceptance by treating yourself to a relaxing massage and spa day? After all, you deserve it.

  • Organize a trip abroad with your friends (or go by yourself)

Traveling is very popular on bucket lists. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of traveling to a certain country and discovering a new culture?

You could organize a group trip with your best friends. You could also organize a solo trip.

  • Learn a new language

There are so many great apps to help you learn a new language these days!

  • Try new food or learn to cook new meals

Feel free to experiment and try new food, especially if you’re traveling to a new country.

You could also learn to cook new meals and develop new cooking skills. Knowing how to cook is always handy!

  • Move abroad

Instead of traveling to your dream country, you could also move there.

  • Sign up for a new class or workshop

Why not sign up for a class or a workshop you’ve been interested in?

  • Work on self-development

Your 20s are also a time of self-reflection and self-development.

You might feel the need to read self-development and self-help books. You might also feel the need to try therapy or meditation.

  • Learn and master adulting skills

Maybe you’re looking to learn some adulting skills to get ready for your 30s? Those might include looking after your health, adopting a pet, and learning money management skills.

  • Try a new sport

Why not try a new sport like karate or flamenco?

  • Do something that scares you

You could do something that is out of your comfort zone!

Final Thoughts

We hope you found our list of ideas inspiring and that you’re excited to put your own bucket list together.

If you like some of our ideas but they’re just not right for you, share them with your friends and family members. You could even book some of these as a surprise for their next birthday!