Dear Dr. Bell,

I know I should be coming in to see you about this issue instead of writing this letter, but right now I am too embarrassed.

About two weeks ago my 10 year old son came home with a painting he did for art class. (I've attached a picture of the painting with this letter). We mounted the painting up on the fridge. At first I thought nothing of it. But over the next few days I couldn't get to bed.

I just lay there thinking about the painting.

I took some sleeping pills but that still did nothing. A week passed and I still couldn't get to bed. My wife and I were getting worried.

Then one night it just happened. It was 3 in the morning and I got up and went down stairs to the kitchen. Without thinking, I just ended up masturbating to it. Afterwards, I went up to bed and slept like a baby.

I've been masturbating to the picture for the past week. It seems to be the only way I can fall asleep now.

My wife and I have decided to see you about this. Except…it's a lot easier to write this issue out in a letter then to tell you in person. In fact, its still too early to even talk to you about it on the phone.

So if you could please call us to discuss this further that would be great and I'll make sure my wife answers the phone. Also, when you do get a hold of my wife, could you talk in a robotic voice to her? It's the only way she can have a conversation.


John Creepy.