We Are Mad Method Men, the Only Advertising Agency Made up Entirely of Trained Method Actors
Covering every inch of skin our body in Flamin' Hot® Cheeto dust, or wearing big red bows and humming like a Chrysler on a snowy road.
Covering every inch of skin our body in Flamin' Hot® Cheeto dust, or wearing big red bows and humming like a Chrysler on a snowy road.
This room also differs from other rooms in the home in that it features multiple bronze Paul Reiser statues bolted directly to the floor.
Close family and friends are worried about your future prospects.
Instead of giving your employees bonuses, wouldn't it be better to hire me to list off my Wikipedia page for an hour?
It takes a true Artist to convey the devastation Shlubby Dad felt when his dinner predicament reminded him of his tumultuous relationship with his own father.
"Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan" provides New York City with little to do than look menacing and overly grimy.
Being stuck in character as STREET PUNK #5 for almost forty years has caused me more than a bit of grief.
While I despised the overacting required for cartoonish behavior, I was a professional and delivered the performance asked of me.
I ain't here to hold your hand bub, this game is survival of the fittest. You're the lamb, and I'm the shepherd and the puma.
It was not I who called her “a useless swath of dogshit,” it was, in fact, Chicago crime lord Tony Ligitano.
We’ll utilize sense memory to translate your theater experiences of gossiping, backstabbing, and “stage crushing” into the workplace.
As great as this gig has been, it’s time to move on. Send me anywhere. Please. I’m your gal.