Modern Scares You’ll Encounter in a 2019 Haunted House
You flee down hallways. Everywhere, people are being NICE to each other! They jump out from the darkness, only to grab other people in huge hugs!
You flee down hallways. Everywhere, people are being NICE to each other! They jump out from the darkness, only to grab other people in huge hugs!
I started out as just an idealistic kid with nothing more than ambition, determination, and the portfolio of Fortune 500 clients my father gave me.
I literally feel their struggles, taste their fears, and nibble their dreams as the virile light in their eyes becomes my own.
Steven, traveling solo, wants to post an Instagram of his ravioli. But Germany is 6 hours ahead, so he risks his picture bombing if he posts it now.
Some of these are horses that made the turns and came out on top. Some are turns of phrase associated with a horse still in the running.
Unfortunately, the use of our XR line to assist in a murder of anyone is strictly prohibited.
I caught your last prep school match against Groton, and let me be plain: you are a truly gifted combat juggler, a “once-in-a-century” talent.
Any path, regardless of magic type, has one result?---social isolation and perverse obsession with colorful vests.
Quitticisim (kwit-??siz?m): The paralyzing decision to either delete or refresh Twitter every thirty seconds.
Truth is, all of us at USPS are trying to reach you/Because you checked off premium shipping without paying for that feature.
At our first show without the droning hum of our generator, it was scary to launch into our opener, a cover of “The Big Rock Candy Mountain.”
Standing on his tiptoes, he craned over their hunched heads, hoping to get a glimpse of the candidates.