Canada Geese: The New Terrorist Threat
<p><img src="/files/u46/geese.jpg" alt="" width="361" height="427" /> </p>
<p><img src="/files/u46/geese.jpg" alt="" width="361" height="427" /> </p>
There are a lot of bad things that can happen to people in this screwed-up world, but there's nothing worse than discovering your hamster is contaminated.
One of the questions that has been around since the beginning of time--or at the very least, PetSmart--is whether a person prefers either dogs or cats as a pet.
Dead cats can be just as much fun as alive cats!
Personality goes a long way for a dog. If we loved the cock just as much, it might be totally uncool for them to fight, too.
In the past, infomercials were all but useless crap. Enter Doggy-Steps, the only product guaranteed to tap your Achilles pet heel and wallet.
Episode of Walker Texas Ranger prompts reader to wonder: Do deer only perform telepathy with a select few hunters?
Apparently the leopards in the world's fifth-largest city didn't get the memo that humans are not on the 'Animals It's OK to Murder' list.
The NFL draft this year was even better than the draft last year, which is saying not very much at all, actually.