My Latest Findings in Brain Research
8. The brain's ability to recognize faces is limited to John Lithgow --- Human faces: only computers can tell them apart.
8. The brain's ability to recognize faces is limited to John Lithgow --- Human faces: only computers can tell them apart.
While a Nathan Hale could die but once, I, Wayne LaPierre, must oversee a daily sacrifice nearly five score that many Americans from gun violence.
"You'll come following me in the jingle jangle morning," will you? You're going to stalk me? Is that a threat?
We were just trying to make a good movie that everyone could enjoy, and we never meant to hurt your feelings.
Inhale deeply, for you must use the communal microwave to reheat your leftover risotto, which will add another layer to the complex scent.
A painting or a bomb could cause the right amount of surprise and confusion to shake people out of their stupors, if you mail it to the right person.
Often referred to as a gateway totem, Shattered Window Shard is one of the easiest crystals to find or create.
Sure, the freezing lake water feels like a thousand needles in your body. But sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that you can feel anything at all.
I am the Inept Geneticist So send to me your best spitting And for you I’ll manufacture A heritage more befitting
I purchased several bottles of Gorilla glue. Far more than would be needed in the house and/or for any "school project." In a week we were out again.
"Drag Queen Zombies Attack!" Things are jockstraps and Jonas Brothers until suddenly, Mary Fairy and Anita Dick attack and try to eat their brains.
Mickey, it might be the time to dust off those wizard skills and bring your friend back to life.