Before Your Band Starts Playing, We Need to Go over Some Elaborate Demands
First, it’s going to be a little bit longer than we anticipated, only about ten hours or so, but that includes some breaks!
First, it’s going to be a little bit longer than we anticipated, only about ten hours or so, but that includes some breaks!
Your Four Grocery Bags So You Don't Have to Make Two Trips: These are overstuffed, precariously placed, and definitely digging into your shoulders.
Every blade of grass has a statue inside it, a David or a Pieta or even a Bacchus, and it is the task of the mower to discover it.
You know what I think? They didn't get it... Yes, they just didn't get it. They let a masterpiece slip away, right under their nose.
You see, when I was fired from my job at Target for stealing money out of the register, it was actually a clever commentary on American capitalism.
You know, obviously I figured I’d do it at some point, but it always seemed so far away. It was something for when I was older.
Elon Musk’s latest infuriating tweet is presented by 43,000 retweets to preserve the integrity of his reputation as a rich doofus.
Don't be intimidated, I'm still just like you, only quite a bit better now. You see, I read an entire book during quarantine.
I mean, where else can you find crumbly olive oil bath bombs to give you that “wet pasta” sheen?
Was that something you overheard on your Zoom call this week, or from the radio in the kitchen? Hard to tell, but lit regardless.
I run this blog with the same passion that I put into competing in semi-annual regional painting competitions hosted by local newspapers.
Everyone thinks they know me and my story ever since they saw me standing majestically in the foreground of a snow-covered mountain.