Love and Haiti
All's fair in love and war in Haiti. At least that's what she thought, until the boyfriend moved there and caught her cheating.
All's fair in love and war in Haiti. At least that's what she thought, until the boyfriend moved there and caught her cheating.
Looking for an easy way to hit it off with the ladies at the beginning of the semester? Leave your insect collection at home.
Are you sure you need dating advice? Because Nicole knows a lot about a lot of stuff. Including firemen.
So you say you're going to hell? Oh, someone else said you were? Don't worry, you have plenty of company and a new A/C unit to go.
Ladies, the shaved look is in vogue, and I'm not talking about your legs (although that's still in too). Here are a few ways around it.
Before telling your best friend to stop whoring the block like the skank she is, you might want to let Nature take Her course.
Most of us take our first drunken piss in or around a toilet. A few absent-minded women may decide the backseat of your car is better.
Here's a sticky situation: you're stuck in Alaska, the Eskimo girls are all drunks, and your porn is getting old? Decision, decisions...
When guys aren't able to keep a commitment, it's time to bring out the 'ol 'Stretch-a-Letch.' Yes, this is an instrument of severe torture.
This is the kind of sexual double standard question guys drool over. Don't worry, it has a happy ending.
When wanna-be cockstars get a little too personal, it's time to show 'em which bowl of porridge their REALLY going to get.
When trying to get a member of the opposite sex to kiss you, remember the old Victorian method of 'fan flirting.' Or learn it now.