Birthday Asshole Syndrome
Aside from the presents, and (if you're lucky enough to be Mexican) piñatas, the main benefit of having a birthday is the right to act like an entitled asshole.
Aside from the presents, and (if you're lucky enough to be Mexican) piñatas, the main benefit of having a birthday is the right to act like an entitled asshole.
America’s bipartisan political system might be driving a wedge into the national identity, so you need to know what to put on your iPod on Election Day.
Having assembled a ghost-hunting kit MacGyver would cheerfully endorse, I staked out a position for a long night of observation, and hopefully, ghost-punching.
Hating other races is not OK, but finding amusement in their quirks is at least defensible. I know a bit about languages and I have an axe to grind with a lot of them.
All nations, with the possible exception of Switzerland, can lay claim to some retardedly dangerous activity. Here's a look at 4 of the most ridiculous ones.
Selling things is difficult, and it eats away at your soul like John Madden with a bag of Doritos. But, if you can stand it, sales pays handsomely.
The day will come when you, too, will have to take the mega-seafood hit to the wallet in order to have sex with your girlfriend: THE LOBSTER.
An in-depth examination of The Sidekick, The Femme Fatale, and the Mad Scientist movie archetypes in order to determine if they have any basis in reality.
Everyone wants a cool nickname, but you don't get to decide what people call you. Just be glad they're calling at all, Mortimer!
If your girlfriend is being anal about abstinence, there's no use going through the ins and outs with her. Go knock up someone else.
A gritty detective story with twists, turns, and a plot speeding along so out of control it could only have been written by 6 people on meth.
The secret to a successful career is doing what you love. Unfortunately, blowjobs don't pay nearly as much as jobs that blow.