Four True Villains and Their Stories
Every hero needs a villain, and every villain needs to be subjected to horrific torture... Now who's the villain? Think about that.
Every hero needs a villain, and every villain needs to be subjected to horrific torture... Now who's the villain? Think about that.
Just because you live on a shoestring budget doesn't mean you have to turn anorexic. It just means you have to learn to eat shoestrings.
Fame is a tricky thing to quantify, but as long as there are autograph-seekers and celebrity sightings, there will be a social pecking order.
The main problem with slavery wasn't its existence but its execution. If only we could have the flourishing empire without the nasty racial slurs.
In this materialistic world, don't forget that money can't buy you Joy. She only does private dances... plus, she's not working tonight.
As far as bars go, the more outrageous and unusual the location, the better the drinks. Atypical winners include an ice fortress and prison.
From lumpy, Mesopotamian hand brews to watered-down Miller Lite assembly line bottles, beer has never been a truly smooth creation.
PETA doesn't fight for animal rights, it fights against human convenience. Can you say Phony Exasperating Tiresome Assholes?
Attending a sci-fi convention is like arguing on the internet: even if you're the best, you're still a loser... and you'll stop for Leia porn.
When you've seen enough of MTV's Cribs, you begin to wonder how your own tastes for extravagance would shape up post-lottery win.
Now that you're a big shot with a college degree, your parents won't think twice about coming to you with their computer problems.
If Canada is America's hat, it's the kind that's so big on your head that it swallows your face. Plus, like, Canadian chicks are way hotter.