Thank You for Your Interest in This Unattainable Writing Position!
Based out of our offices located inside the spire of One World Trade Center, and we’d love to work with YOU (until the next round of layoffs).
Based out of our offices located inside the spire of One World Trade Center, and we’d love to work with YOU (until the next round of layoffs).
Quarter of a Quarter Life Crisis: Age 6. You will cope by throwing tantrums before bedtime and refusing to share your trucks with Jeremy.
There isn't a law on the books or rule of decorum that will get us to budge. Civilization has no hold over us this deep in the crowd.
Your open mic is in the gap between worlds, accessible only to the chosen, the mad, and people you like. So, it’s kind of a booked open mic.
All lifeguards are entitled to one free snack per day. In exchange, all snack bar employees are entitled to one free rescue per day. Make it count.
Those men aren’t fighting for freedom, like us! We have uncommon courage. And it takes uncommon courage to be at Aberdeen’s right at 6.
The Bride of Frankenstein and I actually had a lot in common. Like her, my fiercest critics have also called me an affront to God.
Is there any way to make the heartburn shoot actual flames out of our mouths? That would be a nice party trick.
You can Airbnb your crib to other infants and sleep in your playpen. Make sure to charge them for the blanket, the mobile, and the cleaning fee.
2. At your nephew’s bar mitzvah, Rupert “reluctantly” agrees to sing “Escape (the Piña Colada Song)” for the guests. What describes what happens next:
Yum, I hope that unfiltered tap water and internalized judgement from your mother tastes great!
Hal's Review: "About 13,000 people died there in the early 1900s, but you could hardly tell!"