I’m Sam Spade, Professional Book Blurber
“It’s been a long time since I burst into tears because a publishing house didn’t get its jacket copy before deadline.”
“It’s been a long time since I burst into tears because a publishing house didn’t get its jacket copy before deadline.”
Instead of computer hacking, the heroine’s special skill is replicating the fruit bouquets from Edible Arrangement.
The Little Engine That Lost Its Medicare - After losing a spoke while transporting cargo, The Little Engine is no longer able to afford repairs.
A friend finds an aggressive dog hiding under a car. She asks if we will take him in temporarily. I know I need to swallow my fear, so I say yes.
Even with the annual surge in profits from last-minute gifting for Mother’s and Father’s Days, this year has left us bereft and impecunious.
Gimme a classroom full of second-string lacrosse players who are thirsty for validation---this mama’s fixin’ to teach creative writing!
I still remember that first taste, the delicious mouth-feel of the words, the surprising burn as they went down.
"That ball was on the line! And the whole question of borders comes from an outmoded hermeneutic treating the nation-state as a discreet actor."
Moby Dick by Shakespeare would have seen the white whale be able to speak and he would have sassed Ahab to his grave.
You name it, I’ve been through it. Casual flings. True love. Nits. Pink eye. And I’ve been a truthteller and a trendsetter through it all.
Mother slapped me. She was a former NYPD detective, eighty-eight years old and in the early stages of dementia.
New Yorker cartoons: You love The New Yorker. You READ The New Yorker. But 9 times out of 10 you buy The New Yorker for those sweet, sweet cartoons.