12 Charles Dickens Characters Who Are Handling the Current Socioeconomic Climate Just Fine
Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) – Not just surviving, but THRIVING. Has gone from billionaire to trillionaire during all this.
Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) – Not just surviving, but THRIVING. Has gone from billionaire to trillionaire during all this.
I hear my quest for vengeance described as “single-minded,” and I can’t help but resent that.
She was slathered, head to toe, in Russian dressing, and I was ready to eat at Moscow’s most exclusive restaurant: Flavortown.
Brave ideas drowned in a sea of silence. That’s a direct quote from "Rat Sex in Outer Space" and it applies here.
The Old Man and the Sea: Old Men LOVE Fishing but Hate Shark Week in the Gulf Stream!
“With monotonous passages that seem to drone on and on, it felt at a certain point like the author himself had switched to auto-pilot.”
“We must hide his nonconformity,” said Donner as he rubbed his son’s nose with mud. “Pa, I don’t want to!” “Just endure, Rudolph.”
Edward Scissorhands is a revered cultural icon and I'm just a smelly, obscure German freak. The hypocrisy is unreal.
"The Great Gatsby" (F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1925): A man who has made an absurd amount of money throws huge, unlawful parties at his estate. People die.
The theme of my Bar Mitzvah is “Lying awake at night, your face slick with sweat, drowning in a pool of your own despair.”
Netherfield is taken by a Mr. Bingley, a young man of large fortune; that he fled from Texas’ COVID surge in his Tesla Model X.
De Beauvoir and Goethe for the cottagecore lesbian desperately in love with her best friend. Byron and Žižek for the pervert with a heart of gold.