Is Your Husband Pooping or Building the First Working Model of a Commuter Spaceship?
Does he have his phone? A) Yes and he’s very active on a thread about sending things down "The Alaska Pipeline." B) Negative. There’s no 5G in 0g.
Does he have his phone? A) Yes and he’s very active on a thread about sending things down "The Alaska Pipeline." B) Negative. There’s no 5G in 0g.
I feel like you're not fully inhabiting the space here. / This does absolutely nothing for me. / Wait, it's not over yet?
After living the bore of your nine-to-five stability, you’re ready for some extra, life-long, exciting (did I say “life-long”?) responsibility.
Quarter of a Quarter Life Crisis: Age 6. You will cope by throwing tantrums before bedtime and refusing to share your trucks with Jeremy.
It’s a street fair, not a dog park. Your unpredictable canine is not having fun and neither am I. You can’t be apart for one hour? Seek therapy.
The purpose of the chair is to hold the Butt. This has been the truth for eons, before you were born and before I was purchased from the local IKEA.
He sounded just like Danny DeVito. He spun in a circle three times fast and jumped right back up in my butt-hole. I didn't even feel it.
Have you ever been out shopping and you try on a super-cute top and it gets stuck and you look like you’re wearing a nun costume?
Take Time To Ideate: Commune with your butt on the shape and altitude you’d like to achieve together.
Wednesday: After pissing out 6 cups of coffee, 8 cups of orange juice, and a bottle of Gatorade, I collapsed in a state of near catatonia.
I felt for the first time that I was seeing myself through someone else's eyes, but it turns out it was because I was seeing my twin brother.
Profitability - Market confidence in any sort of synthesized life forms has been steadily declining since the 70s.