The Legend of Metallica
Don't worry, Metallica fans, the future of Metallica music is safe in the hands of the Metallica clones. Isn't that right, Bob Rock?
Don't worry, Metallica fans, the future of Metallica music is safe in the hands of the Metallica clones. Isn't that right, Bob Rock?
At night you claw at my door to let you in, hoping in vain that you might find more affection from me. It's become too much really.
David Peterson, The Crab Apples iconic lead singer, is a walking, talking contradiction. He is ignoring all his influences and pursing a psychedelic folksy revolution.
Shit, Jeff. I'm dead on my feet, bro. I'm exhausted. I want to go back to the Village with the guys and get some sleep and pretend this never happened.
Though his superior respiratory system makes him the perfect specimen in and out of a Speedo, there are, however, still some things I can do that Michael Phelps can't.
Kermit and Miss Piggy's feud began in 1980, when she found out that he starred in a Trident gum commercial without her. Since then, things have been sticky.
I fit every criteria for a stereotypical Prince lover: I'm white, and I'm an obnoxious hipster. But I can't help shrugging and letting out a pithy "meh."
On the surface, it would probably seem that my boyfriend Jack and I have the perfect relationship. Lurking beneath the surface, however, is a dark, WWE-related secret.
You are now that much closer to achieving nirvana with the Kloud Kicker himself, vape creator and lead singer of Smash Mouth, Steve Harwell.
Yes, he can be a jerk. Yes, he can Yes, he lives large. But what if he can't help it? Would you bash Kanye if he was bipolar? Oh, you ARE cruel.
Men out there, I ask you: Would you rather marry Miss California or win 18 Olympic Gold Medals in swimming? We know these truths to be self-evident.
There is no journalistic integrity and there never was. There's only the dogged pursuit of money, power, fame, and orgasm. And I'm pretty sure Spock knew that.