Why America is Better Than England
We won the war, we drive on the right side of the road, and we could care less about Victoria Beckham. Clearly, the U.S. is better than England.
We won the war, we drive on the right side of the road, and we could care less about Victoria Beckham. Clearly, the U.S. is better than England.
An imagined play-by-play of the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wedding, complete with celeb baby girls Suri and Shiloh going wild.
If Canada is America's hat, it's the kind that's so big on your head that it swallows your face. Plus, like, Canadian chicks are way hotter.
<p>1. His recent Zach Galifianakis <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/us/featured/video/x2nzrs_kanye-west-cant-tell-me-nothin-feat_music?from=rss">collaboration.</a><br /><br />2. Putting 50 Cent's <a href="http://www.sohh.com/articles/article.php/12276">money where his mouth is.</a><br />
Going down to South Park going to see if I can't... engage in sleazy ransacking, hot tub hookuping, 50-pound pussy sleeping, all in Trey Parker's house.
PIC's rabid dog of justice puts the finishing touches on Tucker Max's
Everybody dies, but the big question is when and how. Why not put your money where your top ten celebrity corpses lay?
The N-word, pig's feet, D.L. Hughley, expensive shoes...there's just a lot of stuff that still confuses your average white person.
Everyone fantasizes about being a celebrity occasionally, but the only realistic way to brush with stardom is to crash the tour bus. Duh.