What to Do When You Catch Your Child “Playing Epidemiologist”
Remember questions from children come from bewilderment rather than an impulse to influence those in power to use policy to promote population health.
Remember questions from children come from bewilderment rather than an impulse to influence those in power to use policy to promote population health.
The keyless key fob is another amazing tool, even though I constantly have to search the house because my dumb husband lost it again.
“With monotonous passages that seem to drone on and on, it felt at a certain point like the author himself had switched to auto-pilot.”
Ever since our housekeeper-nanny-therapist, decided she needed to “protect her mother” during what are her “last days,” things have been a wreck.
Playing outdoors can also be fun, but make sure to avoid unsafe areas like large bodies of water or ancient burial grounds.
Every Chanukah for the past seven years she kept telling you she doesn't want you to buy her anything, with “BUY” and “THING” in air quotes.
Baby's First Oil Field Science Kit – Rebuild a scale model of the oil fields owned by great-great-grandpa Thurston Moneybags III!
Edward Scissorhands is a revered cultural icon and I'm just a smelly, obscure German freak. The hypocrisy is unreal.
One week of these scared straight soups and your offspring will be begging for another Allrecipes "Easy Cheesy Noodle Family-Friendly Casserole."
The theme of my Bar Mitzvah is “Lying awake at night, your face slick with sweat, drowning in a pool of your own despair.”
Don’t worry, I’ve left them with enough food to last several weeks, which in this case is a bottle cap of water and a couple of croutons.
She goes to bed early, after washing her face and applying night serum. I go to bed drunk, after forgetting to brush my teeth or remove my contacts.