A Referee Job Description, Written by the Coach Whose Team Lost the Youth Basketball Championship
This is a flexible position, in that you can decide when you are going to do any damn work even though you’re getting paid for it.
This is a flexible position, in that you can decide when you are going to do any damn work even though you’re getting paid for it.
My headache thundered with every step, but we'd duel for hours with our tin-foil-covered balsa wood swords.
No one else in this house has to be a Morning Person other than the Wake-Up Fairy! Isn’t that great? And now it’s time to get ready for school.
Self-cleaning. Enchanted with spell that bewitches child into consuming lunch regardless of fiber content. Doubles as USCG-approved flotation device.
Did you know that there's a hunger epidemic going on? And more importantly, did you know that the office switched to ordering from Fresh Direct?
My parents knew they had early mornings in the factory, just working towards the American dream, but there was something special about that night.
Oh-kaay. This hurts a little. The spring-bound polypropylene surface feels more solid upon impact than I expected.
Discovering that he was born into a secret society who are defending the Earth and influencing world events may be difficult for your son to process.
Caring for children is one of life’s most rewarding jobs. Our nanny will need a sens…
The Little Engine That Lost Its Medicare - After losing a spoke while transporting cargo, The Little Engine is no longer able to afford repairs.
You also referenced a desire to give your children a better life than you were afforded. Unfortunately, the board felt this was a bit unoriginal.
A bunker in a cute town with lots of shops and restaurants would be more than fine. Ideally, it would be a community with a high walkability score.