‘Twas the Night Before Inauguration
The coffers were hung by Big Business with care, in hopes that St. Donald Trump soon would be there.
The coffers were hung by Big Business with care, in hopes that St. Donald Trump soon would be there.
Remember, every log you place on the fire would undoubtedly be screaming if it had a voice.
Many anti-Semites are also God-fearing Christians, whose savior is Jesus Christ. So how can they make peace between despising Jews and worshipping one?
Any reindeer that have seen graphic photos of the horrific effects of Red Nose Waffle or Silver Balls know it's nothing to mess with.
The gifts that will bring you closer to that special loved one, even when you have to be 500 feet apart.
What's the big deal with doves? They're not exactly the monarchy of the bird community. In fact, they're just bleached pigeons.
Santa considered a handful of alternate sleigh-pullers before settling on those magic horned beasts. Here are the 13 losers.
Another eventful year has passed and the Millers are feeling SO BLESSED despite the fact that we are all agnostics or atheists.
The undertones are more disturbing than a simple Christmas accident: Grandpa and the rest of the family took out Grandma deliberately.
A holiday party is the perfect opportunity to quiet your anxiety and self-loathing by making others say "How does she do it?!"
Yoo hoo, ladies! Wondering what to get that special patriarchy in your life that already has everything? The answer is… more of everything!
The maji hoped Jesus would grow up and use the frankincense and myrrh to develop a proprietary blend for His signature cologne, using His omniscient business acumen.