I’m Your Mom, and I Got You the World’s Ugliest Shirt for Christmas
Don’t you love it? It’s got a nice high collar, but three-quarters-length sleeves, so it’s not too formal.
Don’t you love it? It’s got a nice high collar, but three-quarters-length sleeves, so it’s not too formal.
I’m on thin ice with my manager, Trayson, and I can't afford another marinara mishap. Please, my job is on the line here.
This jacket matches whatever you’re wearing. It’ll choose an outfit for you if you don’t know what to wear.
Somewhere along the way, every single person I’ve ever known got the idea that silly socks were the thing I cherished most.
I'm an athletic person so the sweatband is useful and does not look like the beginnings of a goofy '80s Halloween costume.
If they say something like, "Nice cowboy hat, asshole," pretend you didn’t hear—even though you're the only asshole wearing one.
We are here to serve scorn and derision, and able to discern the net worth of patrons with a half-second, contemptful glance.
They are also ethically made, but somehow cost $12. These shoes make me look both mature but playful, demure but bold, casual but elegant.
2. Wear it as a Halloween costume! There’s nothing more terrifying than the repercussions of the wedding-industrial complex.
Go on two dates with me that seem to go well, but then inexplicably ghost me, I’m half Irish
Aquarius: Who is morally frail? Thou art. Immoral thoughts cause your complexion to redden.
Picture a spider eating a child, but now it’s wearing a tasteful little beret. People will ask, “Wow is that spider French?”