The Sticky, Enduring Sexism Against Female College Professors
I have long been skeptical of uber-feminists claiming that rampant sexism remains in America. But it is most alive and well among the professoriate on college campuses.
I have long been skeptical of uber-feminists claiming that rampant sexism remains in America. But it is most alive and well among the professoriate on college campuses.
My erect penis and I walked to my dorm and mounted the steps of some side entrance. A gaped-mouth sophomore's pupils grew wide at the site of my dong. I had arrived.
The aroma of cargo shorts and freshly purchased lanyards is already filling the air. Here is some first-hand knowledge and advice for incoming freshmen dudes.
Welcome to reunion weekend. Come catch up with people who didn't make an effort to stay in touch, but claim to love you nonetheless.
We all know that the DVD copy of Animal House that you brought to college was given to you as a present by your younger sister the day before you left.
The good news is, most of what you learn in school will not help you in life. No matter how thrilling you may find academics, it simply won't help you in the long run.
To inspire all of you teachers out there who are on the verge of screaming at your students, punching your administrators in the face, and/or committing suicide.
What I am proposing is a student loan program that will allow poor young people to go to university and be useful to society: I call it the Indentured Student Loan.
Attention zombies: Do you have the survival skills necessary to rise to the top of the food chain? Make the most of your undead life. Enroll in Copernicus Thunderbird Zombie Institute today.
Beware my friends, for horrible professors are out there and more than ready to piss you off. Here are a few common types you may unluckily stumble upon.
The beginning of Spring. So much promise, yet still so much crappy weather and so much class left before summer. But there is hope on the horizon: Spring Break! A chance to visit a foreign locale! To start your vacation, Go to #1 now...
A list of alibis for the common events you will encounter during your Spring Break trip to Las Vegas, ensuring that your friends and family will never find out just how much of a monster you really are.