The Time-Honored College Apartment
Some things never change, including the hot girl and beer poster covered filthy off-campus apartment most guys call home.
Some things never change, including the hot girl and beer poster covered filthy off-campus apartment most guys call home.
Why try in vain to undermine campus administration and professors when you can successfully take on RA's, TA's and stereotypes?
Combating boredom during class isn't easy. Here are some spicy alternative activities you haven't thought of - trust me.
Sometime during freshman year you will realize that, even though they threw some
The good roommate is a rare and elusive creature, greatly outnumbered by the annoying bastard roommate. Here's how to get rid of the latter.
The goal: score hookup partners. The swindle: drink heavily and combine with costumes, blacklights, Viagra, and various other skimpy party theme props.
Everyone's in it for a reason, whether it's love, money or Facebook status. And if you're not sure, you're the annoying Indecisive Couple.
For those who need to masturbate so often that there's no choice but to do it in front of their roommate, try The Party Boy or The Diversion Trick.
Pretend to know about books and stuff, and teachers will give you better grades, and people of the opposite sex might actually sleep with you.
Not to burst your bubble or anything, but when a test is graded by a robot, you're going to need some advanced study techniques.
You find a bottle of Bacardi outside your dorm. Do you: Bring it inside and share the wealth? Or, guzzle it all down and meet your END?
It's the one week associated with everything debaucherous and you're stuck at home. Oh sure, it has its upsides...for about 12 hours.