Advanced Relationship Advice with Uncle Jeff
I think you're underestimating how important a layer of mystery is in maintaining sexual seduction in a relationship. No guy should ever know what a tampon is.
I think you're underestimating how important a layer of mystery is in maintaining sexual seduction in a relationship. No guy should ever know what a tampon is.
It's almost impossible to have a proper relationship anymore, thanks to technological advancements. If you're in a relationship you may want to look away now.
Being hirsute shouldn't be considered gross! Face fros are beautiful! They show hard work and dedication! And tons of other girlfriend-friendly stuff!
February makes us remember the range of cruelty and suffering that the world (and especially Americans) put a certain minority through. Cheer up, single people.
I have designed the following six guidelines in order to assist nice guys in their quest for happiness and love. It's simple: first let your heart die, then play the game.
I don't know how you met your significant other, or how you could just munch on Sarah Lee cookies all day, but if you found this link, your ex is telling you it's over.
I will outline all the terrible attributes that make me a bad person and suggest the underlying psychological reasons why I am perpetually alone. This will save us time I promise.
Relationships, the differences between a man and a woman, the yin and the yang, the alpha and the... lesser alpha. The glue that binds and the absolute mental catastrophe that entails.
Bumping into an ex you haven't seen or spoken to for ages is one of those embarrassing moments that happens to both sexes. And it's always worse if the ex is with their new partner.
Society subscribes to a weird set of rules, and how we interpret them is even weirder. For example, why is the nipple what censorship uses as the limit for upper-torso nudity?
Dating a superwoman is often a recipe for disaster. For every bout of mind-blowing-ultra-cosmic-mega-mega-uber-freaky-crazy-ultrasonic sex, there are numerous pitfalls.
Why is it that women refuse to turn off the faucet while they brush their teeth? Every one of my girlfriends has gone full blast the entire time.