From the Spider on Your Dashboard, with Love
At first, I was frightened of you, unsure of your intentions, and your driving style did nothing to calm me.
At first, I was frightened of you, unsure of your intentions, and your driving style did nothing to calm me.
Billy, look at your mother! Tell me you hid the Milanos with Dark Chocolate Filling! Oh, my child... How could you?
This thing we call "life" is really just a painfully drawn out, cosmic joke. And I can’t tell if that’s what’s causing the bulge around my waistline.
Like Bruce Banner turns into The Hulk when he gets angry, I turn into Glargor whenever the concentration of Vitamin D in my blood dips below 15 ng/ml.
Through charismatic storytelling many began to follow us. We paid them nothing, but we did feed them.
I need you to delete my personal Spotify account. As you browse the artists and titles in my library you will see why I need this to happen.
Mein gott, his calves are whiter than the snowcapped peaks of the Swiss Alps. Achtung, baby!
Have you ever heard of the term "self-fulfilling prophecy?" Maybe the cross is made of some kind of metal that vampires are sensitive to.
Marilyn Brewster was surrounded by loved ones including her beautiful, perfect daughter Deborah who I could make so happy if she’d return my calls.
You’re holding in your hands as sophisticated an anti-terrorist device as God in his worshipful workshop has ever devised!
This residency is fully funded and exists in an alternate universe where the words fully funded do not mean we give you funds.
"Pop, I have no platform! I have no platform, Pop! Can't you understand?"